Do your kids love Forest School? Or have you heard of Forest School and want your kids to be involved? We have the answer! Come and join our after-school club!
‘There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!’
This weekly club offers a great variety of exciting outdoor adventures. Each week is different, however activities may include building dens, hunting for mini beasts, food preparation and camp fire cooking, arts and crafts, woodland games, outdoor first aid and much more including seasonal crafts. Every session includes refreshments and a snack cooked on the fire.
We creative a supportive yet challenging environment to have fun, learn new skills and make new friends. Over time children will grow in self-confidence, independence, self-esteem and develop communication and problem-solving skills and a love and appreciation of the outdoors.
Our After School Club runs every week school term time on a Tuesday 4.00-6.00pm for 8 years to 14 years.
How much…?
Each session costs £10, payable on a half-termly basis in advance. A 10% discount will be offered if a term is paid for in advance. We meet in the Car Park at Salhouse Broad.
What do the young people need to bring?
We are outside for the majority of the sessions and will inevitably get muddy so please ensure your children come dressed for outdoor weather. We do have an indoor, heated classroom which we do use for some crafts or if the weather is too extreme to be out in the forest. Essential kit includes full waterproofs including a coat with a hood (no fashion coats please!), boots or wellies and long sleeved trousers and tops all year round. During the colder months please bring additional layers, hats and gloves. Sun cream and insect repellent in summer are recommended.
Contact us for further information or to book spaces now!